Friday, February 1, 2013

‘Love and Hip Hop’ exclusive: The risky business of being Joe Budden

Photography: DeWayne Rogers

Wardrobe Styling: Linday Hillyard

It’s a cold New York City morning at Manhattan’s Auction House, and hip-hop star-turned-reality star Joe Budden is in a talkative mood. He’s had a busy few weeks; the new season of “Love & Hip Hop” has premiered, beaming the Jersey-born emcee into America’s living rooms weekly, and the release of his third studio album, No Love Lost, looms just a few days away. His journey to get to where he is now — a place of peace, he claims — was fraught with missteps. He’s had more than his fair share of high-profile relationships go bad. His breakups with video models Esther Baxter and Tahiry Jose were public and messy, with allegations of abuse and miscarriages plastered on countless gossip blogs. In 2009 and 2010, he was sought by authorities for failing to make child support payments. The Slaughterhouse member has also openly struggled with sobriety and he missed his famed supergroup’s concert in March of 2012 due to being jailed over a simple parking ticket.
But today, Budden views all of those moments as simply part of his evolution as a man.
“My sole purpose is just to improve and evolve and keep the focus on me,” he explains. “Doing that, you pick up on certain things and you learn certain things. Looking at myself back then, my mind-[set] was in a very different place. Not to say volatile, but I wasn’t as intact as I am today.”
But he’s still not afraid of rolling the dice. How else can one explain his willingness to allow his notoriously tumultuous love life to play out on the small screen? He and Jose have gone back-and-forth via Twitter and exchanged barbs in interviews; and now the world is witnessing their personal drama unfold. “Closure would be nice,” Joe says of the ongoing push-pull with Tahiry. “But that’s a luxury at this point between her and I. Would I prefer it? Yes. Will it ever be? Who the f–k knows?”
Exacerbating the tensions has been Joe’s relationship with his former “friend” Raqi Thunda, who’s also featured on the show. “That relationship is nonexistent,” he says bluntly. “I won’t say it’s because of the show. It’s because of her. The show didn’t do anything — to me, anyway. That was bound to come to its end whether the show was happening or not.”

On top of a hip-hop career and his burgeoning reality show fame, his well-tread history with some of hip-hop’s most beautiful woman has created a ladies’ man persona that Budden claims doesn’t affect him — no matter how much it seems to intrigue everyone else.
“As much as it is communicated, I don’t view myself that way,” he says with a laugh. “It’s almost a joke when I hear it. To me, it’s as simple as, I’m attracted to women that a lot of other people seem to be attracted to as well. They’re all beautiful and amazing women — physically, at least. It doesn’t set me apart. But I’m very transparent with them. Maybe most other people are not. Maybe I live in a bubble, in that respect. But that pretty much is always what it is.”
“Since the time I started rapping, I’ve learned to be transparent,” Budden says, and there aren’t many things he’d be nervous about sharing. “It depends on what those things are [laughs]! But I’m a pretty big risk-taker.”
Unlike some artists who have made similar transitions to television, Joe doesn’t view reality TV with any fear or apprehension. “I didn’t really see a reason to be opposed to [the show],” Budden shares. “It was never really something I was ever opposed to. This was just another outlet for people to get a better understanding of who I am as an individual. And to see some of the struggles that I went through. If it could help at least one person out there, it was all worth it.
“If new fans are attracted — [that’s] great. If older fans can get a better understand or another perspective on Joe Budden, then I welcome that, too. All things [are] welcome.
“You wanna make the most out of life. Life is short,” he says of why he ultimately did the show. “You wanna do as much as you can for as many people as you can. That’s just the person I’ve grown into. It wasn’t always the case. … But today, you evolve. Any new experience, opportunity or door that God puts in front of me to walk through, I’m gonna trust him and walk through [it.]”
That openness and those early career scars are what have helped shape Budden’s perspective. He says that drug abuse became a part of his life because of his inability to cope with what comes along with fame. Whereas some artists get sucked into a “lifestyle” by outside influences, Joe says he just wanted to escape. And once he started, it was hard to break free. “It was just a severe case of me being overwhelmed,” he says.
“I’ve been in this game for a long time and people drinking and doing whatever happens to be their vice of choice — that never affected me. That was me. Not to say other people wouldn’t be influenced, but for me, it was never that. For me, it was, ‘If I wanna do something, I’m gonna do it.’ Whether other people agree or disagree.”

But the rapper admits that he knows better than to surround himself with people who participate in activities he’s distancing himself from. “When you‘re trying to live a certain way you keep good people around you,” he concedes.
But he doesn’t blame fame for his mistakes. “The fame part is the simplest part,” Budden shares. “You’re more recognized than the average person. Whoop-de-do. I’m filled with too much humility for that to move me one way or another. I’m not altered by it. But all the things that come along with fame probably affected me. And the way I deal with those things today is entirely different.”
“[My] music is always inspired from real life … so anything that [I’ve endured] — whether that be television, relationships, pain and joy — anything that causes some type of emotion, inspires the music,” he says. “[No Love Lost] is like the polar opposite from my last album, Padded Room. Not because the approach was entirely different, [but] because I’m different today. The music is still introspective, very melodic, very personal, very graphic, very in-depth, but life is different today. I’m in a better place than I was in 2008 and 2009 and that’s all you can ask for — continuously being in a better place.

Budden isn’t worried that his stint on reality television will eclipse his hip-hop career. And he isn’t pressed that his romantic life has become fodder for watercooler conversations. “I don’t view myself as wearing all these different hats — the rapper, the reality star — I’m a human first,” he says. “I just happen to be able to rap very well. And people happen to wanna see me on TV. It’s really just that simple for me.”
Viewing his world through its simplest prism is what helps Budden deal with the lifestyle that he says once overwhelmed him; as well as trusting his own mind, regardless of naysayers. He admits that, in the past, his stubbornness has been a double-edged sword. But it’s also been his greatest asset. “It’s helped me because I can sleep well at night. I went through a period where I second-guessed everything I did and took advice from other people. And I didn’t sleep well. I decided that I didn’t wanna live that way anymore,” he says.
And that’s who Joe Budden remains; through it all, a headstrong guy from Jersey City who’s still going to do what he wants to do.
“Has it hurt the process? Yeah — you get in your own way sometimes and that stubbornness takes its toll. But there’s no reward without any risk. And that’s a risk I’ll always be willing to take,” he affirms.

 This story is credited to

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I just look at the hair on these women, okay and wacth it to!! (Love and Hip Hop)

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